Adult Day Care Center

What is an Adult Day Care Center?

When your elderly parents or loved ones retire, you need to provide proper care and settlement for them. There are various institutions and elderly care programs available to those who wish to provide quality senior care for their loved ones, in case you are unable to attend to them personally. Adult day care is just one of your many options. Why should it be any special?

Also known as Adult Day Services, these facilities offer respite for elderly individuals who need rehabilitation and long-term care. It also provides services such as health services, therapeutic, or encourage social activities to provide a fulfilling retired life for elderly individuals. In fact, most adult day care centers even have programs and services dedicated for elderly individuals who are suffering from certain health conditions, whether cognitive or physical.

Benefits of Adult Day Care Center

Anyone whose had a hand in elderly care realize the difficulty of this responsibility. The inability of elderly individuals to perform daily duties themselves increase their dependency on family members or anyone assigned to care for them at home. But when there is lack of people to dedicate their time in caring for elderly parents or loved ones at home, adult day care centers make a valid option. In fact, here are some benefits you can derive:

• Your elderly loved ones will have a safe and secure respite when you lack caregivers or required to work outside the home during the day.

• Elderly individuals will benefit from the quality of service provided at adult day care centers. They can stay at home where they are most comfortable in and still have access to elderly care provided by trained caregivers.

• Adults enrolled in adult day care center has the potential to meet other elders who are participant in an adult day care center where they can socialize and interact with one another.

• There are also options for therapeutic services for elders who are suffering from specific cognitive or physical conditions.

• Counseling are provided not just for adult day care center participants but to their families as well, to ensure quality elderly care when at home.

Types of Adult Day Care Center

As of today, there are three types of adult day care center available. Choosing one over the other is critical since they are designed to suit the different needs and preferences of elderly individuals or their families.

1. Adult day social care: Among the services included are social activities, recreation, meals for the entire day, and health-related services according to the elderly individual’s needs.

2. Adult day health care: This one incorporates more intensive therapeutic, health, and social services for those with more serious medical problems and those who need more thorough care instead of home nursing services.

3. Adult day care specific for Alzheimer’s patients: Combines health and social services for aging individuals who exhibit symptoms for dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Choosing an Adult Day Care Center

If you plan on entering your elderly parents into an adult day care center, you and your family must conduct thorough research first on your possible options. Take into consideration the needs of your elderly loved ones and compare that to the services offered within a given adult day care center. Also, you must consider the specific type of adult day care center since their services have been specified. Here are components you need to factor in when choosing:

• It must have individual needs assessment for the participants.

• Must have an active program available for elders whether it be social, recreational, health-related, or rehabilitative.

• Treatment plan must be specified towards an individual’s specific needs.

• Must have proper criteria and guidelines for standard of services.

• Must include amenities or facilities that allow for quality elderly care services.

• Volunteers or caregivers must have proper qualification and training.

Diabetes Facts


Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body is unable to properly control the amount of sugar in the blood. The body cannot control the sugar in the blood due to the lack of the hormone insulin. Diabetes has long reaching and wide ranging health affects for those that suffer from it. Diabetes significantly raises the risk of heart disease and stroke, blindness and kidney failure. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to death.

It is estimated that over 18 million Americans su…

Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body is unable to properly control the amount of sugar in the blood. The body cannot control the sugar in the blood due to the lack of the hormone insulin. Diabetes has long reaching and wide ranging health affects for those that suffer from it. Diabetes significantly raises the risk of heart disease and stroke, blindness and kidney failure. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to death.

It is estimated that over 18 million Americans suffer from diabetes, and of these 18 million it is estimated that nearly one third are unaware they suffer from it.

Diabetes is easily diagnosed using a fasting blood glucose test. This if the most accurate test available. A fasting blood glucose result of 126 or higher indicates diabetes. Generally a fasting glucose test is part of an annual physical for adults.

Type 1 diabetes, or juvenile diabetes, is diagnosed in children and young adults.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and is usually found in adults over the age of 40. Type 2 diabetes is most likely due to poor diet and overweight as 80% of those with Type 2 diabetes are overweight.

There is still debate about the genetics of diabetes. If both your parents have diabetes of course your risk is higher than if one parent has it. There are also environmental triggers to diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is more closely linked to genetic factors and factors such as poor diet and lack of exercise.

Some of the symptoms of diabetes are unexplained weight loss, lethargy, excessive thirst or excessive hunger, frequent urination, dry skin, slow healing sores, sudden vision changes.

If you find you have diabetes you will need to work very closely with your health care provider in order to keep your sugar levels within acceptable ranges. You’ll start testing your blood sugar at least once a day and keeping the results in a diary. You will need to re-vamp your diet and pay close attention to portion size and meal frequency. A diabetic diet doesn’t necessarily mean you cannot have foods that contain carbohydrates, it means you can’t have them in an unlimited fashion. Exercise done on a regular basis has been found to help control blood sugar levels. It is suggested that those with diabetes should exercise 30 to 60 minutes a day.

Living with diabetes can seem overwhelming at first, and it will take commitment on your part. However, millions of Americans live full and active lives with diabetes.

Common Knowledge About Gestational Diabetes


I did not become familiar with gestational diabetes until recently when my sister-in-law and my best friend were both diagnosed with it within a week. Many women I know, myself included, have made it through pregnancies without having any serious problems like gestational diabetes.

Basically, gestational diabetes is a disease that can come on during pregnancy but that usually disappears once the baby has been born. In some women, pregnancy results in their blood sugar leve…

gestational diabetes

I did not become familiar with gestational diabetes until recently when my sister-in-law and my best friend were both diagnosed with it within a week. Many women I know, myself included, have made it through pregnancies without having any serious problems like gestational diabetes.

Basically, gestational diabetes is a disease that can come on during pregnancy but that usually disappears once the baby has been born. In some women, pregnancy results in their blood sugar levels getting out of balance. A pregnant woman might realize that she is having blood sugar problems on her own or it might take a doctor to determine that her levels are not normal. Regardless of how it is discovered, gestational diabetes is a serious issue that needs to be handled with caution and care throughout a woman’s pregnancy and after.

When my sister-in-law and my closest friend were struggling with feeling abnormally up and down during their pregnancies, their doctor took blood tests and determined that their blood sugar levels were being affected by their pregnancies and their food choices. They were both diagnosed simply by having this blood work done. At first they were hesitant and scared because gestational diabetes sounded huge and they didn’t know how relatively simple the treatment process could be.

Gestational diabetes, because it is primarily an imbalance of blood sugar, can often be regulated by changes in diet and levels of exercise. The amount of changes that are necessary are dependant upon how poor of habits the women have to begin with. My sister-in-law and my friend had to make different levels of changes to their diets, but neither had to make such significant changes that their lifestyle was radically altered. Mostly their changes consisted of going on a low-sugar and low-carb eating plan. Gestational diabetes brings a risk of the baby getting to large during its gestational period and needing to be delivered early or by c-section. The more the pregnant mother cuts down on sugar intake, the less likely it is that the baby will get too large to be delivered vaginally.

If you are pregnant or are thinking of becoming pregnant in the near future, take some time and learn about ways to prevent gestational diabetes. It is the best for you and your baby. Prevention is always a better option than having to find a solution to high blood sugar levels. Be wise with your food and exercise choices from the start and you should be able to avoid dealing with gestational diabetes in your pregnancies. Talk with your doctor and take every possible precaution.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

You may have heard that chiropractic care has many benefits, especially when compared to traditional forms of healthcare. Although chiropractic care is increasing in popularity and is being accepted as a valid form of healthcare, as opposed to just alternative medicine, you may wonder about the claims. Are they true? What are the benefits of seeing a chiropractor?

The pain stops. Most patients experience a significant reduction, if not a complete elimination in pain after seeing a chiropractor. It all depends on the individual in question, the source of their problem, and the treatment offered. Those suffering from osteoarthritis are always susceptible to pain, as there is no cure. With that said, therapeutic massages overtime can help relieve the pain. Headaches caused by spinal distortion can be treated with a onetime neck adjustment.

Mobility improves. Chiropractors specialize in helping those in pain and those with decreased mobility. Often times, a joint just needs to be popped into place. This sounds simple enough, but the technical term is a chiropractic adjustment. When the joints are in proper alignment with the spine, they work better. So, patients typically experience an improvement in mobility and movement.

Can treat a wide range of complications that cause pain and discomfort. When it comes to pain and discomfort, we often think of car accidents and sports injuries. Many medical conditions cause pain or discomfort. Arthritis was used as an example above. Additional problems that chiropractic care can treat include sleep difficulties, allergies, scoliosis, earaches, severe menstrual cramps, and headaches.

The symptoms aren’t masked. When visiting a primary care physician to seek pain relief, most just recommend over-the-counter or prescribed pain pills. These are not a solution. They temporarily mask the problem, not treat it. Chiropractic care is based on the belief that natural care is best. It relies on manual therapy. With the use of the hands, a trained professional cannot only relieve pain, but stop the problem at the source.

Chiropractic care is a form of natural medicine. A chiropractor will not discourage patients from seeking temporary relief from over-the-counter pain products, but the focus is temporary. It should only be used until a chiropractor can see a patient. Also, these professionals do not prescribed medication. Yes, they cannot do so legally, but they do not feel the need to. Treatment and care involves the hands, not unnatural medicines.

Chiropractic care is safe. As previously stated, chiropractic care is a form of natural healthcare. You are not prescribed medications and you will not have your blood drawn. A doctor may use an MRI or an x-ray to diagnose a problem, but that is about it. The hands and the hands alone perform treatment. For that reason, there are no risks of complication, death, or infection. You are not discouraged from seeing your primary care physician for other medical issues, but if it involves pain, discomfort, and difficulty moving, a chiropractor is the safest way to seek treatment.

It is ideal for individuals of all ages. Most primary care physicians suggest medicine, but there are many risk and side effects. This is particularly true for young children and the elderly. Many prescribed medications provide only temporarily relief and they have many side effects. These medications may interact with others, causing additional complications. Since chiropractic care is 100% natural, there are no risks. This means that care is ideal for individuals of all ages, including the young, the elderly and pregnant women.

Chiropractors are well educated and trained professionals. One mistake that people make is thinking they can perform chiropractic care at home. After all, it involves the use of hands and we have them. Yes, this is true, but there are many dangers to performing this care at home, especially with chiropractic adjustments. One wrong move and a lot of damage could result. Chiropractors operating in the United States are trained individuals who have received the proper schooling and undergone the proper tests. Always opt for a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), as you get the best and safest level of care.


Word Count 675

Chiropractic Care and Children

We all experience pain and discomfort at one time or another. This pain and discomfort can be caused by many factors, including injury, arthritis, and poor joint use. Pain is not a walk in the park. When children suffer the pain, it can be unbearable, for both them and parents. If your child complains of pain or difficulty moving, your first thought may be to take them to their primary care physician. Yes, you can, but why not opt for natural relief? You can get it with chiropractic care.

If you didn’t already know, chiropractic care is a natural form of medicine. Patients can opt to take over-the-counter pain relievers, but they are rarely needed when proper treatment is sought. Chiropractic care involves manual therapy, also known as hand therapy. A child suffering from neck pain may need neck realignment or regular therapeutic massages. A child suffering from constant and severe headaches may need a vertebrae alignment. These treatments sound complicated, but they are all done with precision force and with the hands.

One of the first questions parents ask is about safety. Many wonder if chiropractic care is safe for children. Yes. In fact, it is safer than most forms of traditional medicine. Your child’s primary care physician may prescribe pain reliever. Both prescribed and over-the-counter pain relievers are risky for children. There are many risks and typically some side effects. Chiropractors cannot prescribe medication. Most wouldn’t want to anyways. Instead, natural treatment is sought and through the hands. The treatment will depend on the diagnosis made, but remember it is usually a joint adjustment or a therapeutic massage. These are 100% all natural and not risky.

Another important point parents, like yourself, are urged to consider is long-term relief. Many mistakenly believe that chiropractic care is long-term. It can be, but not always. Parents and chiropractors develop long-term treatment plans together. If your child’s lower back problems were caused by improper posture, therapeutic massages or readjustment may be necessary, but continued treatment is usually rare. Your child’s chiropractor will however discuss the importance of proper posture with you and your child and share helpful tips.

If your child needs long-term care, cost may be a concern. Although some classify chiropractic care as alternative medicine, many insurance companies extend coverage. Talk to your insurance provider and find a chiropractor that accepts it. If uninsured, inquire about payment plans.

As previously stated, a primary care physician may prescribe over-the-counter pain pills for the pain and offer a brace for support. These are only temporarily solutions to the problem. Many physicians only treat the symptoms, not the problem at hand. As previously stated, a child suffering from neck pain may need an adjustment or realignment. With chiropractic care, this is done with precise hand manipulation. A primary care physician is likely to write a prescription for pain pills, slap a brace on your child, and send them on their way.

As shown above, chiropractic care is safe for individuals of all ages, including children. Still, there are many ways that you can eliminate the need for chiropractic care. In fact, it might be a lot easier than you think. For starters, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) claims that poor quality backpacks and improper use can lead to lower back pain in children. So, if you are the parent of a school aged child, make sure your child’s bag is less than 10% of their weight, do not let it hang too far below the waistline, keep pointy objects away from your child’s back, and choose a backpack with wide and adjustable straps.

Another easy way to reduce pain and discomfort in children is encourage proper posture as a parent. This is particularly important today, as children spend many hours watching television, playing video games, and using a computer. Encourage your child to sit up straight. This simple step can later reduce the likelihood of back and neck pain.


Word Count 657

Chiropractic Care: Frequently Asked Questions

Do you suffer from joint pain? Do you find it difficult to move or function from day-to-day? If so, you can benefit from chiropractic care. But wait! What is it? What are the benefits? What types of procedures are offered? If these are some of the questions you have, continue reading on for the answers.

Question: What is chiropractic care?

Answer: It is medical care that is deemed natural. Chiropractors will rely on the x-rays and MRIs to make proper diagnosis, but that is usually it in terms of medical tools and technology. They operate with a hands on approach. This approach is known as manual therapy. Often times, most physicians only treat the problem causing symptoms of pain and discomfort. Chiropractors want to treat these symptoms too, but they go directly to the source and fix it.

Questions: What type of problems can chiropractic care treat?

Answer: Just about anything. If you suffer from pain and discomfort, a chiropractor should be able to provide you with relief. This relief may not be immediate, as diagnosis and proper treatment plan must first happen. Chiropractic care typically involves therapeutic massages or realignment. It has been used to treat the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis, whiplash, and sports injuries.

Question: Who can undergo chiropractic care?

Answer: Just about anyone. You will rarely find any restrictions or age requirements. If they do exist, they are the doctor’s own personal preferences. Chiropractic care, when properly performed, is safe for individuals of all ages, including children and the elderly. In fact, pregnant woman can benefit from it. For most, it makes birth easier and less painful.

Question: What type of schooling and experience must chiropractors have?

Answer: Requirements vary depending on state. What you want to look for, as a patient, is a doctor with a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree. There are various tests that one has to undergo and pass. Once again, these vary by state. To receive a state license, more testing is required. As for schooling, it is usually an ongoing practice. New techniques are developed each year and tips are regularly shared between professionals. Many chiropractors continue their schooling and attend yearly chiropractic conferences. This is not usually required, but done to better their skills and treatment.

Question: Does chiropractic care work?

Answer. Yes. Many individuals and some medical professionals write off chiropractic care as a questionable form of alternative medicine. This is not the truth. In fact, chiropractic care is very successful. Millions of men, women, and children have used the services of a chiropractor worldwide. Many opt for continued treatment and care. They wouldn’t if they didn’t notice an improvement in mobility and a reduction in pain.

Question: Can I do my own chiropractic care at home?

Answer: No, you shouldn’t. Many mistakenly believe that since chiropractic care involves using the hands, it can be done at home. Yes, manual therapy does involve the use of the hands, but it is much more than that. Precision is required. Chiropractic adjustments are used to decrease pain and improve mobility in locked up joints. Yes, the hands apply force, but if you are not accurate more damage and pain is likely.

Question: Is chiropractic care long-term?

Answer: It depends. It all depends on the severity of your pain, the frequency, and your chiropractor’s choice of treatment. For example, if headaches are caused by spinal distortion, vertebrae realignment is performed. A chiropractor may suggest a few follow-up appointments, but treatment is usually short. On the other hand, those suffering from osteoarthritis deal with pain and daily. Therapeutic massages will reduce the pain, but continued treatment is best for long-lasting pain relief.

Question: What makes chiropractic care better than traditional forms of medicine?

Answer: A lot. For starters, it is important to note that chiropractors do not discourage seeing a primary care physician. Chiropractors specialize in alleviating pain and improving mobility, not curing cancer or treating the flu. As for the benefits, there are no drugs. Chiropractors are unable to perform surgery and write prescriptions. Your treatment is 100% natural. This is less intimidating and the recovery time is short. In fact, there rarely is a recovery period. Continued physical therapy or therapeutic massages may be suggested, but there is never any hospitalization.


Word Count 712

Can I Go Tanning With Diabetes?


Diabetes and Tanning
If you are undergoing treatment for lupus or diabetes or are susceptible to cold sores, be aware that these conditions can be aggravated through exposure to ultraviolet radiation from tanning devices, sunlamps, or natural sunlight. In addition, your skin may be more sensitive to artificial light or sunlight if you use certain medications, for example, antihistamines, tranquilizers or birth control pills. Your tanning salon may keep a file with informatio…

tan,self tanning,tanning,tanning lotion,sun tan, sun tanning,bronzer,tanning pill,sun tan,

Diabetes and Tanning
If you are undergoing treatment for lupus or diabetes or are susceptible to cold sores, be aware that these conditions can be aggravated through exposure to ultraviolet radiation from tanning devices, sunlamps, or natural sunlight. In addition, your skin may be more sensitive to artificial light or sunlight if you use certain medications, for example, antihistamines, tranquilizers or birth control pills. Your tanning salon may keep a file with information on your medical history, medications, and treatments. Make sure you update it as necessary.

Protecting Yourself
Limit your exposure to avoid sunburn. If you tan with a device, ask whether the manufacturer or the salon staff recommend exposure limits for your skin type. Set a timer on the tanning device that automatically shuts off the lights or somehow signals that you’ve reached your exposure time. Remember that exposure time affects burning and that your age at the time of exposure is important relative to burning.

Knowing your Tanning Lotion
Some suntanning products don’t contain sunscreen. It only takes a few bad sunburns to raise the risk of skin cancer, and skin damage builds up over years even when no burning occurs. This is why sunscreen, which blocks UVA and UVB, is recommended. The FDA has expressed concern about suntanning products without sunscreen, and encourages consumers to check the labels for SPF protection.

Sunscreen is regulated by the FDA as an OTC drug. Look for products with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or more. The higher the number, the better the protection. Sunscreen should be liberally applied to skin 30 minutes before going out in the sun, and then every two hours after that.

Tanning Salons
It’s true that most sun lamps emit mainly UVA radiation, and that these so­called “tanning rays” are less likely to cause a sunburn than UVB radiation from sunlight. But, contrary to the claims of some tanning parlors, that doesn’t make them safe. UVA rays have a suspected link to malignant melanoma, and, like UVB rays, they also may be linked to immune system damage.

Tanning Safely
We urge you to find out more about self tanning. You can self tan with a Sunless tanning lotion. Sunless tanning lotion is a tanning lotion that gives you that great tan without the dangers of UVA and UVB! Find out more about Self Tanning!

Seeking Chiropractic Care: What You Need to Know

Do you suffer from pain, discomfort, or have difficulty moving? Whether that pain is caused by arthritis, an injury, or if you don’t know the cause, you may consider chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is a natural way to seek pain relief. With proper treatment, that relief will be long-term and long-lasting. However, if this is your first time seeking chiropractic care, you may have many questions. Continue reading on to get your answers.

Question: What types of conditions can chiropractors treat?

Answer: A wide range. Many are actually surprised to hear that chiropractors treat more than just back pain. This is a common misconception. In actuality, they treat a wide range of medical conditions that result in pain, discomfort, and decreased mobility. They typically treat neuromusculosketal complaints and joint pains in the entire body.

Question: What types of treatments are offered in chiropractic care?

Answer: Many. Although many procedures are performed, two are common. They are adjustments and therapeutic massages. One mistake that many make is believing that they can perform these procedures at home; it is very risky. A chiropractic adjustment is a fine practice that only a few know how to master. Yes, only the hands are used, but precision force is required. The hands manipulate joints to enhance function, improve mobility, and reduce pain. These joints are important to mobility. One wrong move and a person can land themselves in a world of pain.

Question: Is chiropractic care safe?

Answer: Yes. Many are surprised to learn just how safe chiropractic care is. It is actually a lot safer than most traditional forms of medicine. Chiropractors do not prescribe medication. They cannot, but most would not anyways. This is because they believe in natural relief. They also aim for more than just temporary relief, but a permanent solution to the problem. Most primary care physicians mask pain with over-the-counter or prescribed pain pills. This temporarily stops pain, but it will return. On the other hand, chiropractors target the source of the pain and fix it. So, not only is chiropractic care safe, but you get better, longer lasting results.

Question: Do you need a referral before seeing a chiropractor?

Answer: You shouldn’t. Many insurance providers do require referrals for specialists, such as surgeons. Although chiropractors do have a specialty, which is natural manual therapy, they are not legally classified as specialists. All states classify them as contact physicians. This means your insurance provider should not require you to have a referral. In fact, chiropractors provide referrals. In cases that they cannot treat, such as a neck fracture, the patient is referred to a qualified surgeon.

Question: Does chiropractic care hurt?

Answer: It shouldn’t. If you opt for a certified chiropractor who performs all procedures correctly it should not hurt. The only exception is with a therapeutic massage. If you suffer from arthritis, your joints already hurt. The first couple of touches may result in some discomfort, but that will soon disappear. As for adjustments, they should not hurt. Although chiropractors advise against cracking our knuckles, we have all done it. It is similar. You may hear a popping sound, but will feel no pain.

Question: How do I find a chiropractor?

Answer: You have many options. It is easier to turn to your local phone book. In the yellow pages or the business directory, look under the headings of “physicians,” or “chiropractic care.” The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) allows you to search for doctors of chiropractic (D.C.) on their website, located at

Question: Does insurance cover chiropractic care?

Answer: It depends on your insurance company and the coverage plan you selected. A growing number of insurance providers are extending coverage for chiropractic care. Some are doing so at the suggestion of employers and employees. Those in physically demanding professions, such as construction and mail delivery, can benefit from having easy and affordable access to care.

Question: What about those who do not have health insurance?

Answer: If you do not have health insurance, do not avoid seeking chiropractic care. Instead, find a care provider who is willing to work with you. Some will develop affordable payment plans. Some chiropractors also accept credit cards as payment. Although the costs increase with late fees and interest rates, it may be your only way to seek relief.


Word Count 717

Advantages of Working With Partnership in Personal Injury Law Practice

One of the decisions you have to make in preparing to open your personal injury practice is whether to practice solo or form partnerships. To make this decision, you need to analyze yourself if you are willing to share a firm with another practicing lawyer. Life as a solo is less structured than life in an organization. Solos don’t require you to have regular meetings. When you go solo, you don’t have to share office and other stuffs, you get to keep everything. However, when things go bad, you would expect that you won’t have anyone to share your problems too.

The advantages of partnership are both social and financial. Partnership in law practice is like marriage. There are two or more people to bring in resources and generate fees and to share expenses. This will give you peace in mind especially when one of you had a bad month as there is someone to catch for the office expenses. Solos can get feedback from other lawyers in making tough decisions but the advice of someone who has a direct stake in the decision is often more sound than that of someone who has no interest in the situation. Without someone to challenge, or at least question, a lawyer is more likely to make decisions on the “spur of the moment.” Partnership also allows you to take vacations as there is someone who can handle emergencies when you are out. If you go solo, it is your legal secretary or legal assistant who will take care of most things that might come up during your absence but what about the need for unexpected court appearance? Your secretary might arrange another lawyer to cover it but then it can be a hard situation. If you have a partner, there will be someone that can organize to cover a deposition or other proceeding while you were away on your vacation. And of course, you in return will do the same in case your partner is away.

K. William Gibson wrote that there are two primary reasons why having a partner will help you get financing for your personal injury law practice:

1. Your partner may have additional resources to use as collateral to secure a loan.

2. A lender will feel more secure about having two people on the hook for the loan rather than having just one person.

The person you choose to form partnership in personal injury practice should first and foremost, can be trusted. Do research before making the big decision of choosing your partner. You can talk with their former partners or other people who know them better than you do. Check their references. On a personal level, “your partner must be truthful, ethical, and considerate of other people, compassionate, slow to anger, and unselfish,” says K. William Gibson. On a professional level, he must have “good work ethic, diligence, thoroughness, a willingness to fight for clients, and the ability to present a case effectively” (How to Build and Manage Personal Injury Practice, 14). It is a lot better to have a partner who has the same goals for the practice as you have. Your partner should also have the same financial objectives as you. A partner with different financial goals and objectives with you might leave you crippled. Avoid someone who could just as easily live on his or her trust fund.