How to Choose a Chiropractor

If you suffer from pain, discomfort, and difficulty moving, you can head to your primary care physician or your medicine cabinet. These approaches do work, but only temporarily. You want to do more than just treat the symptoms of pain. You want to find its cause and fix it. This is where chiropractic care can and should come in.

What is chiropractic care? It is a natural form of medical care. Patients can seek relief from a wide range of aliments, including arthritis, sleep difficulties, allergies, headaches, joint pain, joint stiffness, and so forth. As for how it differs from traditional forms of medical care, chiropractors believe in an all-natural approach. Relief is sought though manual therapy, which involves use of the hands. Common treatments include realignments and adjustments. Chiropractors use precision and force to thrust a joint into its proper position.

Since chiropractic care has many benefits, you may want to seek treatment. When that time comes, you need to find chiropractors in your area. First, examine your options. You can do so by looking in the yellow pages of your local phone book, performing a standard internet search online, or using an online business directory. You now have the contact information for local chiropractors, but who will you choose? You need to do more than just find a chiropractor; you need to choose once. What should you consider?

Insurance coverage. If you have health insurance and if that coverage includes chiropractic care, contact your health insurance company. See who you can visit. Some insurance providers work with a network of physicians. You may receive extra discounts and other moneysaving benefits by opting for an in-network chiropractor. If you have the freedom to choose, opt for a one that accepts your insurance.

Costs. Whether you are insured or not, costs should be considered when choosing a chiropractor. It is important to seek natural pain relief, but you must be able to afford it. When uninsured, find a quality chiropractor who has flexible payment options. This may include monthly payment plans or credit card payments.

Recommendations from those you know. As previously stated it is easy to use the internet or a phone book to find a local chiropractor. Unfortunately, these options usually just provide you with a phone number and an address. All chiropractors ease your pain, but they have varying people skills, rates, and overall attitudes. You need a chiropractor you feel comfort with. This may involve trial and error and meeting with a number of professionals, or you can ask those that you know for recommendations and detailed feedback.

Read reviews online. Although it is best to ask those that you personally know for feedback on a local chiropractor, you may not know anyone. Chiropractic care has many benefits, but most wait until they are in pain or suffer an injury before seeking treatment. If you do not know someone who has undergone this natural medical care, turn to the internet. Many online business directories, such as the one operated by Yahoo, enable consumers to rate and review businesses, including chiropractors. Enter in the “chiropractic care,” your address and see what results popup. Reviews are shown as stars.

As mentioned above, you may need to rely on trial and error. If you are unable to find reviews online and do not know someone who as received chiropractic care, use your best judgment. Schedule an appointment with a local chiropractor. In most cases, the first appointment is similar to a consultation appointment. Make mental notes. Is he or she listening to you? Are they offering helpful suggestions for at home too? Do you feel comfortable with your chiropractor? If so, you made a good choice. If not, move on to the next. You can switch care providers at anytime and for any reason.

In short, you need to do more than just pick a chiropractor out a phone book. It is important to receive quality care, but start with costs. Ending your pain and discomfort is important, but make sure you can afford treatment.


Word Count 676

A Short Tutorial About Various Diabetic Supplies


Diabetes is a chronic disease with no cure but the good news is that proper care and treatment a person can live a log and healthy life. Nearly 2,000 people are diagnosed with diabetes everyday.

It is estimated that there are 17 million people with diabetes in the U.S and another 16 million have pre-diabetes or higher blood-sugar levels that are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.

Buying diabetes supplies online can save time and mone…

diabetes supplies, diabetic condition, diabetics,blood sugar levels,insulin, blood glucose monitors

Diabetes is a chronic disease with no cure but the good news is that proper care and treatment a person can live a log and healthy life. Nearly 2,000 people are diagnosed with diabetes everyday.

It is estimated that there are 17 million people with diabetes in the U.S and another 16 million have pre-diabetes or higher blood-sugar levels that are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.

Buying diabetes supplies online can save time and money. In this article you will find the most used supplies and tools to achieve a good diabetes control and aid in everyday self-care.

For those who have been diagnosed with a diabetic condition, diabetes supplies are a fact of life. In order to maintain good health, diabetics must rely on various tools to help them monitor their conditions. Still, diabetes patients need to exercise caution when buying diabetes supplies.

The company that you buy your diabetes supplies from should have a phone number in case you need to contact the business because of a problem with the order. In fact, it’s best if the company has a toll-free hotline number that you can reach 24 hours a day. It is much better to register a complaint by phone than by e-mail.

Also, the company should have a pharmacist available to answer your questions. Having a pharmacist on staff indicates that the company is legitimate and is determined to provide excellent service to its customers. When ordering diabetes supplies, you’ll want to pay close attention to shipping charges so that you don’t experience sticker shock when you receive your final bill.

Typically, a diabetic pays a substantial sum each month for diabetes supplies, including pills, insulin, syringes, alcohol pads, lancets, ointments, salves, and special foods. Because competition for business is so great, the prices of items such as testing strips and glucose monitors are often competitive.

This competition can help to keep the diabetes patient’s expenses in check. However, there is no question that a diabetic must devote a portion of his or her income or insurance costs to diabetes supplies. In order to control glucose, blood sugar levels must be monitored closely-at least once a day.

Insulin Cases: Environmental factors such as excessive heat and freezing will have major affect on type of insulin. So, there is a need to keep insulin safe by using special cases while traveling and going out.

Blood Glucose Monitors: It is used to examine blood glucose level. Blood glucose levels below 120 mg/dL before meals, and below 180 mg/dL after meals, is the goal to stay healthy and prevent or delay the development of diabetes complications.

Blood Pressure Monitors: It helps to check blood pressure level of a person. High blood pressure affects 20-60% of people with diabetes and results in causing eye disease, kidney disease and heart disease.

Diabetes Software: This software can be used in your computer to help you to share the information with your Health Care Team to make the best choices in your treatment. Diabetes software includes OneTouch diabetes management software, OneTouch diabetes management software kit.

Glucose Tablets: Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels can occur very quickly and is a sharp complication of diabetes, especially if you use insulin. People with diabetes must always carry glucose tablets.

Glucose Gels: Glucose gel is absorbed more rapidly than tablets. In case of severe hypoglycemia 15 g of glucose in the form of glucose gel must be administered immediately orally.

Experts recommend that you deal only with those Internet companies that offer a return address rather than a post office box. If you want to make sure that you are buying diabetes supplies from reputable businesses that have their own offices, rather than an individual who is simply buying diabetes supplies from an Internet auction site and re-selling them to new customers.

How to Find a Chiropractor

Do you suffer from painful recurring headaches, arthritis, were you in a car accident, or are you just experiencing pain and discomfort? Most Americans head to their medicine cabinet or their primary care physician. These provide you with temporary relief, but don’t you want more? If so, schedule an appointment with a local chiropractor.

What makes chiropractors better than over-the-counter pain relievers and primary care physicians? They believe in natural medical care. A chiropractor may use x-rays and MRIs to diagnose a problem, especially after a car accident. The treatment, however, is hands on, literally. It is known as manual therapy. Chiropractors commonly perform alignments and adjustments. Precision force is used with the hands to thrust joints into their proper position. For most, this results in a reduction or elimination in pain, as well as increased mobility.

If you like the sound of chiropractic care, you may be ready to schedule an appointment. First, you need to familiarize yourself with chiropractors in and around your area. How?

Your local phone book. In the back of your phone book, you will find the yellow pages or the business directory section. Chiropractors may be listed under the headings of “physicians,” or “chiropractic care.” Your phone book will give you the names, addresses, and phone numbers of chiropractors.

A standard internet search. When performing a standard internet search, search with your city and state. You will be linked to a number of websites. Some of those are directories, where many chiropractors are listed. These websites are similar to phone books; they provide you with just the names, address, and telephone numbers of local care providers. What you want to look for is chiropractor websites. In addition to getting the contact information, you should get in-depth information about the provider, such as specialties, background, and see pictures of the office.

An online business directory. Many websites serve as online business directories. From, select “Local,” from the main heading. Enter in your city and state and the phrase “chiropractor.” You will see local listings for nearby chiropractors. Most only include your specific city, but you can expand the search to nearby communities. Some online business directories link to you to provider websites, if they exist. Many also enable ratings and reviews.

From your insurance provider. If you are covered by health insurance, see if chiropractic care is covered. Although some still classify this natural form of healthcare as alterative medicine, many are now embracing the benefits. There is a good chance your insurance provider extends coverage for care. When calling to ask, inquire about providers in their network or known providers that accept your insurance. Your insurance company can provide you with names, addresses, and phone numbers.

Recommendations from those you know. Since many Americans, insurance providers, and employers are now embracing chiropractic care and realizing the many benefits, its popularity continues to increase. You may know someone who has seen or uses the services of a chiropractor. Ask those that you know, such as friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors. Ask for the name, address, and phone number. Be sure to ask for feedback too.

As you can see, there are many ways to find chiropractic care providers in or around your community. Once you familiarize yourself with your options, the next step is to choose a care provider. When doing so, consider reputation, feedback, costs, and the wait until you can get a first appointment.


Word Count 572

How to Seek Chiropractic Care After a Car Accident

Were you in a car accident? Did you visit your primary care physician or the hospital? Were you sent home with a prescribed pain reliever? If so, you may have a mild form of whiplash or just a sore body. Yes, pain may subside overtime, but don’t you want immediate relief? Also, don’t you want to know if there is a more serious problem instead of waiting for it to explode at a later date? After a car accident, victims should never take risks. They should schedule an appointment with a licensed chiropractor.

Why should you seek chiropractic care after a car accident? For starters, chiropractors do not just try to hide the problem of pain with medication. They do not use it. Instead, they rely on manual therapy. For pain that will subside overtime, therapeutic massages are best. For spinal or joint injuries, adjustments are best. Whatever the treatment, manual therapy is used. It involves the hands. To make a proper diagnosis after a serious car accident, an MRI, sonogram, or x-ray may be used.

Another reason why you should seek chiropractic care after a car accident is to prevent later complications. Not all injuries result in pain. Some are just minor enough that there is no pain. That does not mean something didn’t happen to the body, your muscles, joints, or spine. Chiropractors will examine the body and they can determine if anything is even slightly wrong or out of place. Treatment will ensure. Primary care physicians tend to wait until pain is a symptom before taking action.

You now know the benefits of seeking chiropractic care after a car accident, so what should you do? Schedule an appointment. You may first want to speak with your car insurance provider or the at-fault driver. Most car insurance claims cover medical treatment sought because of an accident. You do not need to wait. Most insurance providers extend coverage to chiropractic care. They are legally classified as contact physicians by the federal government. All insurance companies should accept the treatment and diagnosis of a chiropractor, if not keep on pushing.

Since you should not wait for approval to see a chiropractor, familiarize yourself with your local options. You can do so by using your local phone book or the internet. When using the internet, perform a standard internet search with the phrase “chiropractor,” and your city and state. You will be linked to the websites of local providers in your area. You can use these to examine rates, get a feel for the professional, and see pictures of their office. Once you find a chiropractor you like, schedule an appointment.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to get an immediate appointment. This is because chiropractic care is increasing in popularity; there is a high demand. Some have a waiting list. When making your appointment, state you were in a serious car accident. Some schedulers may be willing to squeeze you in or contact you in the event of a late cancellation.

If seeking care immediately following a car accident, you may need to wait to file a claim. If the chiropractor requires immediate payment, pay or give your health insurance information. The rest can be worked out later. For now, it is important to seek treatment for any pain or discomfort you are feeling. Care should always come first.


Word Count 558

Chiropractic Care versus Traditional Medical Care

Are you suffering from mild to severe pain and discomfort? Whether it is your knees, hands, neck, back, fingers, toes, or another part of the body that hurts, you may be ready to schedule an appointment with your primary care physician. This is nice, but have you considered chiropractic care? If not, you should. It is similar, but also very different from traditional medical care. How?

Natural versus Artificial

Over the past few years, a lot of focus has been placed on natural and organic. Many Americans are making the switch to all natural and organic foods and supplements. This nice, but many of those same people turn to traditional forms of medicine and over-the-counter pain relievers to seek relief. This is not natural. Chiropractic care is. Chiropractors may use x-rays and MRIs to diagnose a problem and decide on a course of treatment, but that treatment is done with the precision of the hands. It is manual therapy.


Medications are commonly prescribed in traditional forms of medical care. They are not with chiropractic care. In fact, chiropractors are unable to write prescriptions. Some believe this is because they “aren’t enough of a doctor.” This is not true. The main reason for their inability to write prescriptions is because they do not believe in their use. Patients are not discouraged from seeking temporarily pain relief with over-the-counter products, but it is only temporary. Chiropractors prefer to make adjustments to treat the problem of pain at it source, not mask the problem with prescription medication.

Side Effects

In keeping with medication, it is important to note the side effects. They are common. It is rare to find a prescribed pain reliever without side effects. Even little side effects, such as an upset stomach or dizziness, can have a profound impact on your life. When seeking medical care, you want to seek relief, not have a new set of problems to deal with. That is why chiropractic care is best to treat pain, discomfort, and decreased mobility. Since there are no drugs prescribed, you will not experience side effects. But, you will get positive effects from either proper adjustments or therapeutic massages.


In terms of safety, there are little to no risks associated with chiropractic care. In fact, care is recommended for individuals of all ages. Both those young and old can benefit from chiropractic care. With traditional medical care, there are more risks present. Many of the medications prescribed are only safe for certain individuals. For example, those under the age of 4 can rarely seek safe pain relief from over-the-counter or prescribed medications. They can, however, get a safe therapeutic massage or undergo a safe realignment to treat pain and discomfort.


Chiropractors cannot perform surgery. In most cases, it is not needed. Patients who seek medical care experience pain, discomfort, and decreased mobility. As previously stated, realignment or a therapeutic massage may do the trick. Since surgery is only considered a last resort and performed by surgeon, there is little risk of complications. Surgery opens up a world of complications, including the invasion of germs and infection. Since the body is naturally healed using manual therapy, complications are non-existent.

NOTE: Chiropractors encourage those suffering from pain, discomfort, and difficultly moving to seek chiropractic care. What they don’t encourage is avoiding all traditional forms of medical care. Some conditions, such as the flu, cancer, and diabetes cannot be treated with manual therapy. Never put your health at risk. Chiropractic care is best to treat pain and discomfort. Always keep your primary care physician in mind for other non-pain related medical problems.

In short, there are many differences between chiropractic care and medical care. So, which should you opt for? If you suffer from pain or experience difficulty moving, contact a local chiropractor. See what they can do for you. Since there are little to no risks, you have nothing to lose.


Word Count 653

Controlling Blood Sugar In Type 2 Diabetes Without The Use Of Drugs


I was told in rapid succession that I was suffering from intermittent claudication (that’s blocked arteries in the legs), high blood pressure, Diabetes Type 2. and that I was overweight.

Not a lot of pleasure there! The intermittent claudication made it increasingly difficult to do much, so that in effect I had become a prisoner to my house and garden. Exercise was out of the question, my legs simply couldn’t cope, but it was hoped that angioplasty to each leg would cure t…

diabetes,diabetic,blood sugar,type 2 diabetes,diet

I was told in rapid succession that I was suffering from intermittent claudication (that’s blocked arteries in the legs), high blood pressure, Diabetes Type 2. and that I was overweight.

Not a lot of pleasure there! The intermittent claudication made it increasingly difficult to do much, so that in effect I had become a prisoner to my house and garden. Exercise was out of the question, my legs simply couldn’t cope, but it was hoped that angioplasty to each leg would cure the problem. It didn’t.

My high blood pressure, I was assured, could be treated by a cocktail of drugs and by weight loss. The cocktail of four different drugs worked, but I could not seem to lose weight.

So I was given a choice: the blood sugar levels could be controlled either by drugs or by diet. Since I was already taking four different drugs for blood pressure, I thought it best to try diet control. I was also hopeful that this might help me to lose weight. But where to start? My diabetic nurse provided me with a blood sugar monitor and said I should aim to stay under 9 as my reading. My Doctor said to stay under 7. Now she has reduced this to under 5. My current long-term reading is 5.3. A big drop from the high readings I used to produce.

So what did I do? At first I was taking blood samples three times a day and was truly astonished at how my blood sugar jumped about. Plain porridge and water, which I absolutely loved, would produce a reading of 16 and yet, being a slow release multigrain, I had always assumed it would be good for my health. A single apple, showed a reading of 12! Tea with milk but no sugar, 10. Obviously there was more to this than met the eye.

The first learning point was that the body needs water and lots of it. Out went sugared fizzy drinks and in came plain boiled water. The Swedes call it Silver Tea, I’m told, and it is very refreshing. Now a cup starts every day and two or three more follow. Low calorie tonic water is also useful (the quinine helps prevent cramps), mineral water (I especially like carbonated forms), low calorie Ginger Beer and cold filtered tap water.

The next, crucial, learning point: control your carbohydrate intake, in my case to under 40gms a day. Eliminate bread, cakes, sweets, pasta, rice, cereals, biscuits, sugars, fruit juice, potatoes, honey, jam, marmalade, baked beans. Reading the food labels is a real eye opener!

Instead, increase your intake of vegetables and low carbohydrate foods & fruits. All of the following are particularly good: Broccoli, cabbage, spinach, runner beans, brussels sprouts cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, courgettes, aubergines, swede, squashes, celeriac, green salads. Fruit can be very high in sugars, so use in moderation. Choose rhubarb, grapefruit, raspberries, loganberries, strawberries, blueberries, all of which are O.K. Do not add sugar, of course, so sweeten with cinnamon instead. Avocadoes are low in carbohydrates, but high in fat, so eat no more than half a fruit a day. Add nuts and seeds to your diet, again in small amounts.

As far as alcohol is concerned, all beers are out. One or two glasses of red wine a day are acceptable.

Avoid processed foods as much as possible and certainly do NOT eat hydrogenated fats of any kind. They are to my mind a food industry con. and of no use to any one other than manufacturers of processed food.

Buy only genuine, non-reconstituted lean meat, poultry, game and fish. Reduce your saturated fat intake by cooking on a griddle and cutting off any excess fat. Cook with olive and nut oils, as these unsaturated fats are good for you. Never use lard. Add game to your repertoire of ingredients, along with plenty of oily and white fish such as salmon, haddock, tuna, swordfish, mackerel & kipper.

I have never once felt hungry with this change in my eating habits to simple whole foods. I still find I miss eating plain yoghurt, vanilla ice cream and various cheeses. But then I occasionally do give myself a small treat – provided I stay within my allowance.

The results are good for my health:

My good cholesterol is high
My bad cholesterol is low
My type II diabetes blood sugar is well controlled by diet alone
I have lost 10 lbs in weight.

My next task is to lose another 30 lbs. I know now that this is achievable. The more weight I lose, the more able I am to increase my activity levels – and the more incentive I have to control my calorie intake. At last I feel that I am taking back control of my body and discovering that you really are what you eat!

Chiropractic Care and Back Pain

At one point in time, we all experience back pain. For some, it was just exercising too hard or improperly lifting a box. These types of back pains are usually minor and the pain will subside with time and self-care. There are however, instances in which back pain is more serious and when medical care is needed.

When suffering from back pain, most individuals head to their primary care physician. If this is your only option, this is fine. But, if you have the financial resources needed to pay for your own appointments or if chiropractic care is covered by your health insurance, head to a chiropractor. Why? Because the care is better and safer.

What is chiropractic care? Chiropractic care is the natural practice of medicine. It relies on manual therapy. This involves the use of the hands. Medical tools, such as sonograms, x-rays, or MRIs, may be used to diagnose a problem, but the hands only usually provide treatment. Popular procedures performed by chiropractors include therapeutic massages and chiropractic adjustments. This involves using precise force to thrust a joint back into place or to extend it past its current ability to move.

How does treatment for back pain vary from traditional forms of health care? If you visit your primary care physician to seek pain relief, he or she will usually tell you to take an easy and prescribe pain medication. This only temporarily relieves the pain. Not all forms of back pain heal themselves. A slipped disk or another spinal or joint problem may be to blame. Pain pills and rest will not solve the problem, but chiropractors do. They will manipulate the spine and the back to elevate pain and improve mobility.

Does chiropractic care automatically mean ongoing care? No. Many people mistakenly believe that once you visit a chiropractor, you must continue going. Some chiropractors do recommend continued care, but not always. For example, if an adjustment or spinal manipulation is used, you may need to return for a small amount of therapy or just a follow-up appointment. During that appointment, your chiropractor will share ways to stop pain at home. This will include showing you how to properly lift boxes, sit at a computer and so forth. They may ask you to return in another six months to monitor the progress.

How does one find a chiropractor? Unless you already knew the benefits of chiropractic care, you might not have given chiropractors any thought. You may have driven by two or three offices a day and never noticed. It is easy to find chiropractors. They are everywhere. Your town or a nearby town should have at least two to choose from. As for how you can find them, local phonebooks, online business directories, insurance providers, recommendations from those you know, and by performing a standard internet search.

How does one choose a chiropractor? You now know how to find chiropractors, but how do you choose one? If covered by health insurance, check with your provider. Some offer moneysaving discounts to those who go with special in-network providers. If not, opt for a chiropractor who accepts your insurance. If uninsured, opt for the chiropractor with the most affordable rates or one who offers flexible payment plans.

In conclusion, if you suffer from back pain or discomfort, don’t suffer in silence any longer. Don’t just mask your symptoms. Recurring back pain is a sign that something is wrong. A licensed chiropractor cannot only find the problem, but treat it with no surgery, non-invasive procedures, and with no medication.


Word Count 592

Caring for Elderly With Terminal Illness

Caring for Terminal Elders

Caregiving for elderly people is difficult in itself, but it proves to be more of a challenge when emotional hurdles become involved. This case is often true when family members or relatives of the elderly individual are assigned to nurse or care for them at home instead of entering them in adult care or nursing facilities. Emotional difficulties are further enhanced when the elderly you are nursing for has a terminal illness. It is really easy to be swept with emotion from both ends that could intervene with your effort to provide quality care.

Daily Care

Caring for terminally ill elders are often left at the responsibility of their children. However, with their own day jobs to take care of, it often requires proper daily schedule to ensure that their daily needs are properly taken care of. If their diseases are considered to be terminal, you can only do so much with the treatment procedure. However, you have control over providing an efficient daily care and nursing for them to suffice for their needs.

Coping with Depression

In a clinical and research study, experts have concluded that 25 percent of patients suffering from a terminal disease tend to exhibit symptoms of depression caused by multiple factors relating to their condition. Even without terminal illness, depression is a common occurrence among elderly individuals. This is a natural emotional result of their aging process, which leaves them with the impression of dependence, inability to become productive, and becoming a burden to their family or children. Therefore, despite the difficulty of in-home elderly care, several families opt for it instead of leaving their elderly loved ones to the care of sheltered accommodations or nursing homes. This reduces the level of depression on the older person’s part and reinforces the family’s genuine concern for them. But still, that does not solve the problem of depression associated with terminal illness.

One way to deal with depression is to provide any health or therapeutic services required for their condition. Although the chances of healing are limited, given that it has been diagnosed as terminal illness, seeing that you are extending all efforts to cure their condition combats minimize the feeling of depression in an elderly person. Why? This is achieved through their knowledge that all efforts are exerted in an effort to find cure. Normally, it isn’t the ability to find cure that relieves feeling of depression but the effort to try to.

Keeping Emotional Balance

With elderly care for those who have terminal illness, two forms of emotion often overcome the carer: pity and compassion. It is important, however, to balance those emotions to ensure that you are able to provide the best quality service to the terminally ill elder you are nursing. Pity will make you feel sorry for the elder, while compassion will allow you to become more sensitive of their needs and work your hardest in addressing them.

Here are important factors to keep your emotions in check and ensure that you provide quality elderly care and nursing:

• Focus your attention on providing for the needs of the elderly you are caring instead of becoming too engrossed with your emotions.

• Instead of dwelling on what you cannot change, focus on what you can do to help enrich their lives as of the moment.

• Let them experience the best of their remaining days.

Chiropractic Care and Headaches

Do you suffer from constant or severe headaches? If so, you may do what most Americans do. That is simply just reach for the medicine cabinet. Yes, most over-the-counter products can relieve headache pains, but that relief is short-lived. Instead of masking the pain with over-the-counter products, seek a proper diagnosis and long-term relief. You can do so with chiropractic care.

What is chiropractic care? It is a field of medicine. Some classify it as alternative medicine. It all depends on who you ask and their openness towards the subject. Traditional physicians rely on their knowledge, medical tools, and medication to treat pain. Chiropractors focus on manual therapy. The hands and usually the hands alone provide it. Common treatments offered by chiropractors include therapeutic massages and manipulative realignments.

Doesn’t a chiropractor only specialize in back pains? This is a common misconception. Chiropractors tend to focus on the spine, but you may be surprised how many ways the spine and its condition impacts our body. Many chiropractors have years of experience helping patients diagnose, treat, and manage all types of pain, including headache pain.

Why should you see a chiropractor if you suffer from severe or constant headaches? Headaches have many causes. Daily stress cause most, but there may be a more serious underlying problem. For example, those who have chronic muscle contractions may experience a spinal distortion, a cause of headaches. Car accident victims commonly suffer from whiplash. If improperly treated, this can also lead to headaches. Without treatment, the pain will continue and it may get worse overtime.

How does chiropractic care help headaches? It all depends on their cause. If everyday stress is to blame, a chiropractor may suggest relaxing exercises at home or regular in-office therapeutic massages. If headaches are caused by spinal distortion, a vertebrae alignment may be performed. This alleviates the pressure from nerves, which should reduce headache pain and frequency.

Will the headaches stop after seeking chiropractic care? Yes and no. First, it is important to remember that headaches are caused by many factors. If your cause is due to spinal distortion, vertebrae realignment will help. This will reduce the frequency of headaches caused by this specific problem. But, you may get another headache from just having a bad day at work. You and your chiropractor will work together to achieve long-term pain relief. In addition to therapeutic massages, trigger factors will be discussed. You will later need to avoid these triggers.

What should you ask your chiropractor after treatment? Many patients mistakenly believe they are treated and no longer need to seek treatment. Chiropractic care does not mean long-term care. Before parting ways, however, pick your chiropractor’s brain for suggestions to later prevent headache pain or lessens the severity. As previously stated, trigger factors need to be eliminated. Not only that, proper posture is important. This is a chiropractor’s specialty. Ask them about natural ways to prevent pain, including relaxation and proper posture.

In short, headaches have many causes. Daily stress is not the only cause. Don’t mask the pain. See what you can do to get long-term and long-lasting relief. So, the next time you get a severe, long-lasting, or recurring headache, don’t head to the medicine cabinet. Instead, head to your local phone book. Find the contact information for a local chiropractic care specialist and see what they can do for you.


Word Count 561

Diabetes Symptoms


Many people may not take notice of diabetes symptoms because so many of them don’t seem serious enough to attach to an actual disease. Feelings of nausea, for instance, are felt by so many people so often and for such a wide variety of reasons that most people never even think to associate it with diabetes. And because we all seem to be working longer hours than ever before and having to get up earlier in an attempt to avoid spending an hour or two in traffic, feelings of fat…

weight loss,blurred vision,fatigue

Many people may not take notice of diabetes symptoms because so many of them don’t seem serious enough to attach to an actual disease. Feelings of nausea, for instance, are felt by so many people so often and for such a wide variety of reasons that most people never even think to associate it with diabetes. And because we all seem to be working longer hours than ever before and having to get up earlier in an attempt to avoid spending an hour or two in traffic, feelings of fatigue and tiredness are usually associated with the price of living in the 21st century. Even the need to urinate more frequently usually goes unnoticed. The fact is, however, that all of these can point to the onset of diabetes.

One of the problems associated with recognizing diabetes symptoms is that the Type I version of the disease builds gradually. The first thing you may notice is the tiredness. While precious few of us don’t experience occasional bouts of fatigue, diabetes-related tiredness tends to be more noticeable. For one thing, the tiredness isn’t occasional; it lingers on and on. Even so, it may be very easy to ignore the severity of the fatigue and fail to associate it with diabetes.

Very often, a diabetes patient won’t begin to question his health until subsequent symptoms appear. The extreme fatigue begins to be accompanied by frequent thirst. Not just the usual kind of thirst where you may finish off a 20 ounce bottle in less than an hour, but an unusual thirst where you may go through two or more 20 ounce bottles in an hour.

But even a sudden spike in thirst can often be attributed to something else, such as perhaps the heat. Less likely to be so casually ignored, however, is one of the more extreme diabetes symptoms. Many patients experience feelings of intense hunger while they are losing weight. This is a symptom that is not typical of normalcy. Most people who are not on a diet and who are eating regularly don’t feel continually hungry while also losing weight. At this point, most people who have been ignoring other symptoms sit up and take notice. Additional diabetes symptoms that people tend to take notice of include blurred vision, frequent infections and sores that either take a long time to heal or don’t heal at all.

One of the problems in diagnosing diabetes is that not everybody experiences the same symptoms. Another problem is that symptoms can vary depending on whether you are suffering from Type I or Type II diabetes. Although both types share certain symptoms such as frequent urination, dry mouth and increased thirst, there are other symptoms that are usually unique to each type. For instance, weight loss with continued hunger is primarily associated with Type I. On the other hand, leg pain and yeast infections are common symptoms of Type II.