Facts Surrounding Multiple Sclerosis

There are plenty of things medical scientists, researchers, neurologists and physicians know about the nature of multiple sclerosis, but there are also plenty of other things that they do not know. In this article, facts surrounding MS are presented.

The disease is caused by the damages on the protective insulation or the myelin sheath of the neurons – This one thing is sure, the disease roots from an abnormal immune system response that damages the myelin sheath or the protective insulation of the neurons. It is not definite though what causes this autoimmune response.

It runs in the family – There are strong indications that this condition is determined by a specific genetic make-up. Research is yet to establish though which genes play the part in the expression of the disease. People who have relatives who posses this condition are twice more susceptible to the onset of multiple sclerosis than those who belong in the general population.

Women are at higher risk of developing the condition – Women are 2 to 3 times more likely to develop the condition. The reason for this is not definite though.

People who live in places at higher altitudes are more susceptible to the development of the disease – There are higher incidences of multiple sclerosis near the earth’s poles than near the equator. Explanation for this is yet to be established. Nonetheless, researchers and scientist are entertaining the idea that environment may trigger the onset of the condition.

Multiple sclerosis is not fatal or contagious but it can definitely decrease life expectancy – The condition is capricious, yes, but it does not pose dangers to other people apart from those who have already developed it. Though it may not cause death, it may be instrumental to shorter lifespan.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that seems to have young adults as its main target – People who are aged between 20 to 50 years old oftentimes experience the onset of strange symptoms. And by the time they get older, they experience far more difficult symptoms that limit their capacity to function well.

Its symptoms are unpredictable – It would be impossible for you to climb the stairs today but you could possibly run around the town tomorrow. You may not be able to close the car door properly today but you will be able to do the shopping tomorrow. You may feel great today but the next day, you would feel like you have been hit by a truck. Symptoms are just different each day.

Attacks of symptoms are different from one day to another and its severity and the level of debilitation it brings vary from time to time – Symptoms may progress one day, health the next day. There are periods of bad days and good days which reflect the relapse, remission and progression in severity of the condition. It is the nature of the disease to manifest in various, oftentimes, dissimilar manners.

People who suffer from multiple sclerosis live with the certainty that their condition is unpredictable – One day may be different from another and it is never certain whether today will be as bad or as good as the day following it. Because of these fluctuations in the characteristics of the symptoms experienced, people with this condition often find it hard to function normally, to plan for the future with a degree of decisiveness and to enjoy daily living.

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