Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms – Problems With Vision, Balance, Coordination, Bladder, Bowel, And Sexual Dysfunctions

Patients of multiple sclerosis are not only bothered by symptoms related with sensory, motor and cognitive functions, they also suffer from dysfunctions of the bladder and bowel functions, problems with coordination as well as balance, impairments of the eyes, and sexual dysfunctions. Below are the more detailed symptoms relating to these problems. Each symptom is placed under a specific category with accompanying brief descriptions.

Eye pain, this may be due in part to a condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia, a condition that shoots up painful sensations rooting from the dysfunction of one of the Trigeminal nerves of the face. Eye pain may also be experienced during eye movements.
Blurry vision, is the decreased capacity of the eyes and their optic nerves to define the images they perceive
Diminished perception to colors, the lack of capacity to perceive bold colors
Blindness, which may be partial or full blindness
Double Vision or Diplopia, is a very common visual problem associated with multiple sclerosis which is caused by lesions incurred on the brainstem whereby the cranial nerves connecting the eyes and the brain are attached.
Jerky Eye Movements or Nystagmus, these are the involuntary and rapid eye movements typically manifested by patients of multiple sclerosis
Ocular Dysmetria, which is characterized by constant overshooting of eye movements
Lack or decreased eye coordination
Sensation of flashing lights during eye movements. This may also be the resulting response to a sudden noise
Afferent Pupillary Defect (APD), or Marcus-Gunn pupil is a condition that is characterized by the inability of the eyes to dilate properly in response to light intensities.

Dysdiadochokinesia, is a medical condition where the ability to perform rapid and alternating movements are affected
Dysmetria, is oftentimes related to one’s inability to calculate scale and distance.
Dystonia, is a movement disorder associated with impaired neurological functions. This is characterized by abnormal posture, repetitive movements and constant jerking and twisting during attempts to maintain a posture.
Intention tremor, is characterized by tremor occurring during voluntary movements. This is worsened during movements.
Impairment or loss of coordination, or ataxia is a condition that results from problems with processing sensory and motor inputs as well as in the production of responses to these.
Speech Ataxia (stuttering), this refers to problems involving the coordination of speech
Vestibular Ataxia, this results into nystagmus, incoordination and vertigo, which involves a host of symptoms including vomiting, dizziness and nausea. This is caused by the formation of lesions on the vestibular nuclei and the brainstem.

Bladder Spasticity or muscular hypertonicity results from the continuous sending of brain signal to certain muscles, causing them to continuously contract and tighten
Constipation is a medical and a very common condition that involves the hardening of the feces, thus leading to difficult bowel movement
Detrusor-Sphincter Dyssynergia
Erectile Dysfunction, Anorgasmy and retrograde ejaculation are all sexual-related symptoms of the condition rooting from dysfunctions of impulse transference
Fecal Urgency and incontinence is the inability to control the involuntary muscles of the anus, thereby leading to uncontrolled defecation.
Frequent Micturation, simply known as frequent urination.
Frigidity or Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder is a condition that refers to the decreased capacity to maintain sexual functions and activities

Fatigue, for no apparent reason. MS patients typically report of unexplained over-exhaustion.
Gastroesophageal Reflux or heartburn
Sleeping disorders or inability to fall into sleep or maintain sleep
Uhthoff’s Symptom, is a condition whereby temperature rises during hot baths, exercise and other activities causing the exacerbation of other symptoms

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